I want to hear YOUR stories! Tell me about your paranormal (or as I call them supernatural) experiences good and bad- this includes encounters with the Lord, testimonials of healings and other things, NDEs (near death experiences), Bigfoot and UFO sightings, etc. Who knows, your story may appear in one of my books (with your permission of course!) You don't have to use your real name or any name at all. I am the only one who will see your information and I won't use your name or location unless you want it posted.
For all paranormal investigators, etc.- If you want your website added to mine, contact me! I may have to start another page for the links. :)
2/14/14: Received a story from a friend of ours recently. He relayed to us that his baby's toy has been coming on by itself. He checked the batteries to make sure they weren't defective. They were fine; in fact, it had new batteries. This is one of those toys that you have to really press on the button to make it work. As if this wasn't enough for him, things got really strange when his son took his afternoon nap. He always has a habit of throwing his toys outside of his crib and they end up all over the floor. What was so unusual about this time? Well, the toys ended up being in a straight line along the couch. Our friend didn't hardly think that his son could manage to do that! There may be more to come...
1/17/14: Received a testimonial from someone at another church about one of the members being diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer (and if you've ever had a family member who had that, you know the deal). Well anyway, this member was prayed over and guess what? They are now cancer-free. The doctors have said that it truly is a miracle.
5/21/13: Links to the UFO stories about Dundalk, MD: http://dundalkeagle.com/component/content/article/26-front-page/45202-unsual-lights-found-in-the-dundalk-sky http://dundalkeagle.com/component/content/article/26-front-page/45392-more-dundalkians-report-unusual-lights-in-dundalk-sky
MUFON report: http://mufon.com/mufonreports.html
Link to the Dundalk Eagle article about the "mystery solved?": http://dundalkeagle.com/component/content/article/26-front-page/45515-mystery-of-the-dancing-lights-over-dundalk--solved
5/5/13: There are three stories today. This first one is an update of the story below, about the woman in my church that needed deliverance. I am happy to say that it was successful.
Also, in church today, one of our prophetic team members stood up and gave a testimonial about a woman who came to our church last year for prayer (we have prayer service for an hour on Monday nights). She came and said she really needed prayer and everyone prayed for her. After she left, she ended up in the hospital (she was not feeling well). The doctors told her she was expecting. However, after they ran more tests, they told her that things were not looking good and the baby would not be normal. She continued to come to our prayer services on Mondays and everyone prayed for her and declared that the baby was going to be normal. The doctors insisted that this is what they saw on the tests and the baby was not going to be right. Time passed, she kept being prayed over, and everyone kept declaring. It was then time for the baby to be born and guess what? The baby was normal. She was there with the baby yesterday and (I think it's a boy- the baby was wearing white so I don't know for sure) the baby looked completely healthy to me!
Today after church I decided I wanted to go to an antique shop that I've been meaning to visit (I am trying to replace some furniture and this place has some great prices- about half the price of new, if you don't mind old stuff, haha). Anyway, my husband came with me and after we finished up looking there we decided to go to another one a couple of doors down. They have some antiques in their basement, and when we went down there, we weren't there any longer than a minute and my husband jumped and said, "Something just touched me." I turned around real fast and said, "Really?" I was surprised because I didn't feel anything, but nothing ever comes near me anyway. He jumped a couple more times and was shivering because he said "it feels like a spider web and it's giving me chills." I asked him if he wanted to walk in front of me (the aisles are very narrow) and he said no. Finally, after a little more of this, he said, "I'm going back upstairs." He didn't though and decided to stay. He said whatever it was kept trying to hold his hand. I joked and told him that maybe it wanted him to buy the wall decor we were looking at and he was touching. When we went upstairs, he asked the shop owner how long she's had that spirit in the basement. She was pretty surprised and said she had been in that location for twenty years and he is only the second person who ever asked that. Her and her assistant never felt or saw anything. After we finished talking and left, I realized that I was so busy looking at all the stuff in the basement that I didn't even think about snapping some pictures to try to capture something!! I guess we'll have to make a return trip sometime soon if he is willing (and I will definitely take some pictures next time)!
5/1/13: In church this past Sunday, the pastor was talking about someone who was helping out with the revival across America in years past (we are having one in Baltimore). All of a sudden, this lady started hollering and jumped up hollering. She was talking all this gibberish (to try to confuse people into thinking it was "tongues" but we knew it wasn't). She kept yelling, "I want to die! I want to die!" The pastor came and laid his hand on her forehead and was praying and he told her "Not today. You're not going to die." The Prophetic Team came over too and they were praying and laying hands on her. She calmed down and then they walked her out to the sanctuary for further praying and deliverance. She was shaking uncontrollably when she was walking down the aisle and when she was out in the lobby going to where the deliverance would be taking place, she was wailing terribly. We all knew the devil paid us a visit in church that day. Darla
3/17/13: In church yesterday, we had a visitor who stood up in the front to give us all her testimony. Kinyatta had recently been told by her doctor that she only had 6 months to live (from Lupus). Well, last week (I think), she was feeling particularly bad and was at home when there was a knock at the door. It was members from my church who have been working in her neighborhood and they were having a prayer meeting and service. She was not feeling well and in her words, was not very nice at the door. After they left, she thought about it and felt bad because she had been rude, so she decided to go to where they were at and apologize and let them know it was the pain talking, not her. She was not planning on staying, but ended up being there until 3 that afternoon. After the service, the church members prayed with her and for her. About a day or so later, she was pretty bad off and was admitted to the hospital. One of our church members, Betty, came up to see her who has the gift of healing. She stayed with her all night, prayed with her and anointed her with oil. Blood was drawn from Kinyatta, that night and the next morning. Anyway, after Betty left in the morning to go home, two doctors came into Kinyatta's room. She said she thought for sure they were going to tell her that "this was it". Instead, they told her that she "no longer had Lupus." Praise the Lord!! Anyone who doubted that He continues to work miracles believed it yesterday!! I have no doubt about this as miracle healings have happened in my family, not once but twice!
1/4/13: My mother's pastor was pretty sick and could barely talk. During one Sunday morning service, everyone gathered at the altar, "layed on hands", and anointed him with blessed oil. My mother said that after that, it was like he was never sick at all- he was completely healed.
1/4/13: Not long after my newest release Possession was finished, my husband and dog were upstairs. My closet is directly off to the side of our bathroom door and I usually keep it closed (as it had Christmas gifts in it). All of a sudden, our dog stood staring at the closet door growling and positioned like he was ready to attack. Just before then, my husband heard the closet door slam and thought I had come up. When he came downstairs, he asked me why did I slam my closet door. I told him that it had been closed the entire time and I never came upstairs. (Darla)
10/19/12: Over the past few days I have been smelling a strong smell of cigarette smoke in my car and in my house. No one in our household smokes. I even asked my husband the other day did he smell anything, as my husband is a sensitive and he is usually the first one who will see, smell or hear anything. He said he didn't. The night I asked him a got a very strong whiff of smoke when I went down in our basement to write. We don't have an attached house, so it couldn't be where any of the neighbors' smells were coming through our walls. And, just two nights ago, I heard the "claws" on our wooden basement steps again... this was a while after our dog had already went all the way upstairs to go to bed. (Darla)
9/11/12: While in the basement the other night, my husband and I were laying on the couch watching TV. Our dog was on the floor near where I was. During a moment when the show we were watching was quiet, we heard noises like an animal's claws going up the basement steps (they are just plain wood). We didn't think anything of it because we thought the dog went upstairs. Later on, we heard them again. My husband made the comment like our dog was coming back from upstairs to see our son or something like that. I looked on the floor and the dog was sound asleep. I said, "hon, he's right here." We both looked at each other wondering what was going on now. (Darla)
9/7/12: I had a Christian family member who was very sick with a staph infection and was placed in the hospital. During this time in the hospital, she died for about 2-3 hours. She then heard lots of people laughing and singing. She doesn't remember seeing anything though, but she knew she was in Heaven. She then was told that she had to come back- she said she did not want to come back at all- but was told she needed to come back because there was something here she needed to handle. She had no idea what that was at the time, but now after a little over a year later, something has transpired and she knows exactly what they were talking about. She assumes it was angels who told her she needed to come back.
9/4/12: All day long I was hearing noises as me and the dog were home alone. While I was on my main floor in another room, it sounded for sure like someone had opened my back door, closed it, and came in to the house. Our dog heard it too as he ran to the back door, barking. My husband was not home from work yet, nor was anyone else home on our street who could have been knocking on our door. Earlier that morning, it sounded like someone was walking around on this same floor (I heard it a few times while I was upstairs). We also heard banging noises on the main floor the next night (which caused my husband to come all the way upstairs to see what was going on- he discovered that no family member was on the floor were the noises were coming from). Needless to say, my house has become more active since I have been trying to wrap up my latest book! (Darla)
9/1/12: Last night, as I was resting upstairs in my bedroom, I saw a shadow pass through my room. It wasn't in any particular shape like a figure or anything, but it was definitely a shadow. A very tall shadow. No one was out in the hall at the time, nor were any cars passing by. I need to start having a camera close by, for sure!!
9/1/12: One night I had fallen asleep on the couch and I woke up about 2:30 a.m. or so. When I wake up like that, I am always wide awake. I happened to look towards our steps leading to the upstairs and saw a grey mist in the shape of a figure. This mist started reaching out to me- it had a head, arms and fingers. It was reaching out at me over the railing, and then it slowly disappeared.
9/1/12: I had been having problems with my heart for a while and it was starting to get worse to the point where I figured I'd better get to the doctor to see what might be going on. One Sunday while in church, we were in prayer and I heard a voice speak softly to me: "Your heart is going to be healed." From that moment on, the problem went away, praise God!!
9/1/12: One Sunday while in church during praise and worship I had my arms lifted up like I mostly do. The church I go to is a very spiritual church and the presence of the Holy Spirit is very very strong. Well anyway, this time during praise and worship was a little different- it felt as if someone was holding up my arms. I had never felt that happen before during praise time and haven't again. (Darla)
7/29/12: During the process of writing "Diary of a Demonologist", I was attacked by demonic forces often during the
middle of the night (or morning, however you look at it). Most of the time the attacks happened at 3 a.m. (the devil loves to use that time- most theologians believe it’s an attack on the trinity). Anyway, I would be awakened about that
time at least 2-3 times a week feeling a panic that I could not explain. I do not have panic attacks nor am I a nervous person. I also do not scare easily at all. The last time (thank God) that I was attacked like that, it was the worst. I was awakened about 3 a.m. with my heart beating out of my chest. I never had my heart beat like that, and I don’t want it to again. It was beating extremely fast, like it was going to run right out of my chest. I did not know what to think, but I did know that I did not want to wake my family. I then got up and walked around, and went downstairs. I walked around some more, still with my heart beating crazily and then I started getting a little scared. I remember thinking, “Lord, I am not ready to die yet. I have a lot of work to do.” Then, I called out to the Lord. Deep down, I really wasn’t expecting anything to happen, (you know, sometimes you just get doubtful) but I called out, “Jesus, I need you!” Right away, a white glow came into the room right in front of me and I immediately was overcome with a feeling of warmth and peace. My heart slowed to normal then as well, and I was able to go back to sleep. To this day, I have hardly had any attacks take place against me, thank the Good Lord!! (Darla)
7/29/12: I had a very close family member who died unexpectedly. His wife was very distraught, but with her being a Christian as well as him, she was at peace with where he was at. Anyway, the night after he died, she was laying in her bed trying to go to sleep. She happened to look towards the ceiling as she saw a bright light. She saw an aura of two angels and her husband. At that time, she then heard bluegrass music playing in the room- there was no radio on- she thinks it was his favorite, Bill Monroe. If she ever had any doubt before, she knew for sure then that he was at home with the Lord and he had come back to let her know that he was being taken care of and happy.
7/29/12: I had a family member die during the holidays. Anyway, my mom was in the basement sitting on the couch the next day. No one had called her about the death yet, but we knew this family member had been sick for a while. Anyway, while she was on the couch, she saw an angel appear before her. At that moment, she knew that this family member had went to be with the Lord. Later that day, we received a call telling us that our loved one had died very early that morning.
7/29/12: I had a close relative who was dying and we weren't sure if they were saved or not. A number of family members and a close friend were at the hospital while he was dying. Anyway, after he died we went home and my mom talked to another close family member telling them that he died. In fact, they said, "Did it happen at this time?" (They named the time- it was close to 11:30 a.m. but can't remember the exact time.) This family member knew exactly what time it happened before we even called, because as they were sitting in their chair watching tv, half of their Christmas tree turned black at the same time this family member died. There was no reason to doubt that this actually took place either, because this family member never entertained any stories about ghosts, etc.
7/29/12- When I was about 11 or 12 years old, I came across an old set of rosary beads laying on the ground in the graveyard that I used to hang out at. I took them home, thinking it was something cool to have. My mom warned me and told me I should take those rosary beads back to the graveyard where I found them, as they could be cursed. Sure enough, it wasn't long until stuff started happening around the house- strange noises, footsteps, pots and pans falling over when no one was around, etc. Needless to say, I took the beads back to the graveyard.
7/20/12: I had just finished doing my workout tonight and went back upstairs to get a drink and then a shower (I work out in my basement). Anyway, when I went to walk in my kitchen, I smelled the overpowering fragrance of candles that have just been blown out. No one else in the house had lit any candles or any matches. I have not burned any candles in about two or three weeks. I have never smelled that in our house before when nothing had been burned. (Darla)
6/30/12: I have a paranormal story that started when I was a child. I used to sleep in my parents room because I was scared of my bedroom. My mother had told me the old man who lived in the house before died in my room. So I would not sleep in it until I was a teenager. At night when I was lying in my parents bed alone I saw a shadow figure come from my bedroom and move down the hall to my sisters room and every night it would enter her room. As children on a dare we spent a couple of hours alone in my bedroom that I was scared of. In the time we were in there my we were pinched, heard voices, and my sister cried hysterically because she thought she saw a hand reach up onto the bed. I saw this shadow figure for years but it stopped when I was 16 and my sister moved out. She's confirmed that she still sees this shadow figure in every house she's moved to.
6/29/12: Get Out of my Room- When I was twenty one years old, my new husband's family offered to sell us a house that had been in his family for generations at an incredibly cheap price. They had a difficult time keeping it rented and did not want to hassle with it anymore. We jumped at the opportunity and moved in almost immediately. It was only a matter of hours before strange things began to happen. It did not take me long to decide there was something or someone else other than us in that house. Almost every night we would hear something coming up the staircase. The steps were old so you could hear every creak. Nick, my husband would jump up out of bed whenever he heard it to go make sure that someone hadn't broken in. It would always end the same, no one was there. The ghost appeared to get braver as time went on. We could hear the steps eventually come down the hall; they were getting a little closer to our bedroom door with each visit. Finally, the night came that we had both been dreading. Nick was sound asleep, exhausted from working hours of overtime. I heard the steps dare to pass the doorway of our bedroom and enter our room. I felt slightly aware of something or someone approach the side of the bed I had my back turned to, but I was afraid to look. I just kept my face in Nick's chest and closed my eyes tightly. I felt as though there was someone right behind me, right behind my head just staring at me. I knew one thing for sure; I was not going to turn around to check. I just wanted to fall back to sleep as soon as possible. My hand searched under the covers for Nick's hand. I very softly and quietly moved my hand beneath his big palm. I did not want to disturb him; I just knew it would make me feel better if his hand was lying on top of mine. My back felt ice cold; I tried to bring the covers up tighter around my neck and back. That\'s when I felt it. Something moved briefly on the bed behind me. I did not acknowledge it. I forced myself to stay still as if I were still asleep. I felt that if I suddenly reacted, I would see something horrible, so I did not turn around, I did not move. That seemed to upset whatever was behind me. I felt the bed move again, but just ever so slightly. I felt that whatever was behind me was so close to me it was almost touching my hair. I had the feeling on my scalp similar to when you have static electricity in your hair. I was sure it must almost be standing on end. I rubbed Nick's palm with the back of my hand. I think I was actually trying to wake him, but trying to do it quietly, so whatever was behind me would not notice. It didn’t work. Nick just grunted a moment and then took another deep breath, he was still sound asleep. I felt another movement on the bed directly behind me again. I actually could feel the blanket I had wrapped so tightly around me tug on me a bit as if someone had laid some weight on it behind me, I was sure that something was trying to get even closer to me. Suddenly I felt air blow on my cheek. It was just the same as if someone had breathed on me, except it was a lot colder, ice cold. I tried rubbing Nick's hand again only I did it more aggressively this time. He moaned a little and turned to face me laying his arm across my side. That made me feel a little better, if there was someone or something directly behind me he would have struck them with his hand when he put his arm around me. I no sooner had the thought when Nick's arm went flying off of me and back towards him. It was as if someone had picked up his arm and flung it off of me. At that same exact moment, I felt a very strong tug on my hair, and heard a whisper in my ear. "Get out of my room," the words struck me like a knife in my stomach. It was a very raspy mean voice. I woke Nick instantly, but once again there was no one there. Many things happened in that house. We only lived there for thirty six days, thirty six days of pure mental hell. That was when I started to believe in ghosts and spirit hauntings. It forever changed how I view things. I wrote a book about the whole experience, The Lennox Haunting... It is on Amazon. It has the Look Inside, if you are interested in reading the first three chapters. It is also on the Nook at Barnes and Noble… Jules V Ness
4/20/12- I have a story: The first house we bought was built in 1953. It was a small cottage that an old lady had lived in for many years. At the time we bought the house I did not know the story or I would have never have bought it.
All the patients at the doctors office I worked at could not believe I bought that house. They would not tell me why. There was a fenced in back yard with a piece of the top of the fence missing. just a bit larger than a hand. Our air and heat went up and I had a man to come fix it. He asked if I heard the story behind the house. I was a little worried since I had not told anyone that late at night when I was in the kitchen, I could look in my living room and see an old lady standing in a gown looking out the living room window. It scared me and I was too afraid to tell anyone. The air conditioning man used to work for the sheriff's dept. He said that there was a guy breaking into houses for prescription drugs. He had broke into the house and a couple others. Someone knew who he was and turned him in. He thought it was the lady in our house. When
he got out on bail, he broke into the house, chopped her up into pieces with an ax and ran out the back door over the fence. They caught him. He died in prison. That's why a piece of the fence was missing. they took it for evidence. Come to
find out, it was someone else who turned him in. I didn't see the lady after that. Maybe she realized what happened to her and she left.
4/18/12- I will start off with one of my own paranormal experiences, which happened when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I was lying in bed one night at the apartment I used to live in (which by the way that area has a good deal of paranormal activity going on to this day). I had one arm raised over my head and was just lying there trying to go to sleep. I had a sleeveless shirt on, probably a tank top. Well, anyway, something pinched underneath my arm and I heard a low growl (we did not have a dog or any pets). It then sounded like the low growly voice said "Friday" (well that's what it sounded like to a 4 or 5 year old kid anyway!), and it made two noises, like a "Shh Shh". Needless to say, I didn't sleep any more that night! I never did hear that low growly voice again. (Darla)
For all paranormal investigators, etc.- If you want your website added to mine, contact me! I may have to start another page for the links. :)
2/14/14: Received a story from a friend of ours recently. He relayed to us that his baby's toy has been coming on by itself. He checked the batteries to make sure they weren't defective. They were fine; in fact, it had new batteries. This is one of those toys that you have to really press on the button to make it work. As if this wasn't enough for him, things got really strange when his son took his afternoon nap. He always has a habit of throwing his toys outside of his crib and they end up all over the floor. What was so unusual about this time? Well, the toys ended up being in a straight line along the couch. Our friend didn't hardly think that his son could manage to do that! There may be more to come...
1/17/14: Received a testimonial from someone at another church about one of the members being diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic cancer (and if you've ever had a family member who had that, you know the deal). Well anyway, this member was prayed over and guess what? They are now cancer-free. The doctors have said that it truly is a miracle.
5/21/13: Links to the UFO stories about Dundalk, MD: http://dundalkeagle.com/component/content/article/26-front-page/45202-unsual-lights-found-in-the-dundalk-sky http://dundalkeagle.com/component/content/article/26-front-page/45392-more-dundalkians-report-unusual-lights-in-dundalk-sky
MUFON report: http://mufon.com/mufonreports.html
Link to the Dundalk Eagle article about the "mystery solved?": http://dundalkeagle.com/component/content/article/26-front-page/45515-mystery-of-the-dancing-lights-over-dundalk--solved
5/5/13: There are three stories today. This first one is an update of the story below, about the woman in my church that needed deliverance. I am happy to say that it was successful.
Also, in church today, one of our prophetic team members stood up and gave a testimonial about a woman who came to our church last year for prayer (we have prayer service for an hour on Monday nights). She came and said she really needed prayer and everyone prayed for her. After she left, she ended up in the hospital (she was not feeling well). The doctors told her she was expecting. However, after they ran more tests, they told her that things were not looking good and the baby would not be normal. She continued to come to our prayer services on Mondays and everyone prayed for her and declared that the baby was going to be normal. The doctors insisted that this is what they saw on the tests and the baby was not going to be right. Time passed, she kept being prayed over, and everyone kept declaring. It was then time for the baby to be born and guess what? The baby was normal. She was there with the baby yesterday and (I think it's a boy- the baby was wearing white so I don't know for sure) the baby looked completely healthy to me!
Today after church I decided I wanted to go to an antique shop that I've been meaning to visit (I am trying to replace some furniture and this place has some great prices- about half the price of new, if you don't mind old stuff, haha). Anyway, my husband came with me and after we finished up looking there we decided to go to another one a couple of doors down. They have some antiques in their basement, and when we went down there, we weren't there any longer than a minute and my husband jumped and said, "Something just touched me." I turned around real fast and said, "Really?" I was surprised because I didn't feel anything, but nothing ever comes near me anyway. He jumped a couple more times and was shivering because he said "it feels like a spider web and it's giving me chills." I asked him if he wanted to walk in front of me (the aisles are very narrow) and he said no. Finally, after a little more of this, he said, "I'm going back upstairs." He didn't though and decided to stay. He said whatever it was kept trying to hold his hand. I joked and told him that maybe it wanted him to buy the wall decor we were looking at and he was touching. When we went upstairs, he asked the shop owner how long she's had that spirit in the basement. She was pretty surprised and said she had been in that location for twenty years and he is only the second person who ever asked that. Her and her assistant never felt or saw anything. After we finished talking and left, I realized that I was so busy looking at all the stuff in the basement that I didn't even think about snapping some pictures to try to capture something!! I guess we'll have to make a return trip sometime soon if he is willing (and I will definitely take some pictures next time)!
5/1/13: In church this past Sunday, the pastor was talking about someone who was helping out with the revival across America in years past (we are having one in Baltimore). All of a sudden, this lady started hollering and jumped up hollering. She was talking all this gibberish (to try to confuse people into thinking it was "tongues" but we knew it wasn't). She kept yelling, "I want to die! I want to die!" The pastor came and laid his hand on her forehead and was praying and he told her "Not today. You're not going to die." The Prophetic Team came over too and they were praying and laying hands on her. She calmed down and then they walked her out to the sanctuary for further praying and deliverance. She was shaking uncontrollably when she was walking down the aisle and when she was out in the lobby going to where the deliverance would be taking place, she was wailing terribly. We all knew the devil paid us a visit in church that day. Darla
3/17/13: In church yesterday, we had a visitor who stood up in the front to give us all her testimony. Kinyatta had recently been told by her doctor that she only had 6 months to live (from Lupus). Well, last week (I think), she was feeling particularly bad and was at home when there was a knock at the door. It was members from my church who have been working in her neighborhood and they were having a prayer meeting and service. She was not feeling well and in her words, was not very nice at the door. After they left, she thought about it and felt bad because she had been rude, so she decided to go to where they were at and apologize and let them know it was the pain talking, not her. She was not planning on staying, but ended up being there until 3 that afternoon. After the service, the church members prayed with her and for her. About a day or so later, she was pretty bad off and was admitted to the hospital. One of our church members, Betty, came up to see her who has the gift of healing. She stayed with her all night, prayed with her and anointed her with oil. Blood was drawn from Kinyatta, that night and the next morning. Anyway, after Betty left in the morning to go home, two doctors came into Kinyatta's room. She said she thought for sure they were going to tell her that "this was it". Instead, they told her that she "no longer had Lupus." Praise the Lord!! Anyone who doubted that He continues to work miracles believed it yesterday!! I have no doubt about this as miracle healings have happened in my family, not once but twice!
1/4/13: My mother's pastor was pretty sick and could barely talk. During one Sunday morning service, everyone gathered at the altar, "layed on hands", and anointed him with blessed oil. My mother said that after that, it was like he was never sick at all- he was completely healed.
1/4/13: Not long after my newest release Possession was finished, my husband and dog were upstairs. My closet is directly off to the side of our bathroom door and I usually keep it closed (as it had Christmas gifts in it). All of a sudden, our dog stood staring at the closet door growling and positioned like he was ready to attack. Just before then, my husband heard the closet door slam and thought I had come up. When he came downstairs, he asked me why did I slam my closet door. I told him that it had been closed the entire time and I never came upstairs. (Darla)
10/19/12: Over the past few days I have been smelling a strong smell of cigarette smoke in my car and in my house. No one in our household smokes. I even asked my husband the other day did he smell anything, as my husband is a sensitive and he is usually the first one who will see, smell or hear anything. He said he didn't. The night I asked him a got a very strong whiff of smoke when I went down in our basement to write. We don't have an attached house, so it couldn't be where any of the neighbors' smells were coming through our walls. And, just two nights ago, I heard the "claws" on our wooden basement steps again... this was a while after our dog had already went all the way upstairs to go to bed. (Darla)
9/11/12: While in the basement the other night, my husband and I were laying on the couch watching TV. Our dog was on the floor near where I was. During a moment when the show we were watching was quiet, we heard noises like an animal's claws going up the basement steps (they are just plain wood). We didn't think anything of it because we thought the dog went upstairs. Later on, we heard them again. My husband made the comment like our dog was coming back from upstairs to see our son or something like that. I looked on the floor and the dog was sound asleep. I said, "hon, he's right here." We both looked at each other wondering what was going on now. (Darla)
9/7/12: I had a Christian family member who was very sick with a staph infection and was placed in the hospital. During this time in the hospital, she died for about 2-3 hours. She then heard lots of people laughing and singing. She doesn't remember seeing anything though, but she knew she was in Heaven. She then was told that she had to come back- she said she did not want to come back at all- but was told she needed to come back because there was something here she needed to handle. She had no idea what that was at the time, but now after a little over a year later, something has transpired and she knows exactly what they were talking about. She assumes it was angels who told her she needed to come back.
9/4/12: All day long I was hearing noises as me and the dog were home alone. While I was on my main floor in another room, it sounded for sure like someone had opened my back door, closed it, and came in to the house. Our dog heard it too as he ran to the back door, barking. My husband was not home from work yet, nor was anyone else home on our street who could have been knocking on our door. Earlier that morning, it sounded like someone was walking around on this same floor (I heard it a few times while I was upstairs). We also heard banging noises on the main floor the next night (which caused my husband to come all the way upstairs to see what was going on- he discovered that no family member was on the floor were the noises were coming from). Needless to say, my house has become more active since I have been trying to wrap up my latest book! (Darla)
9/1/12: Last night, as I was resting upstairs in my bedroom, I saw a shadow pass through my room. It wasn't in any particular shape like a figure or anything, but it was definitely a shadow. A very tall shadow. No one was out in the hall at the time, nor were any cars passing by. I need to start having a camera close by, for sure!!
9/1/12: One night I had fallen asleep on the couch and I woke up about 2:30 a.m. or so. When I wake up like that, I am always wide awake. I happened to look towards our steps leading to the upstairs and saw a grey mist in the shape of a figure. This mist started reaching out to me- it had a head, arms and fingers. It was reaching out at me over the railing, and then it slowly disappeared.
9/1/12: I had been having problems with my heart for a while and it was starting to get worse to the point where I figured I'd better get to the doctor to see what might be going on. One Sunday while in church, we were in prayer and I heard a voice speak softly to me: "Your heart is going to be healed." From that moment on, the problem went away, praise God!!
9/1/12: One Sunday while in church during praise and worship I had my arms lifted up like I mostly do. The church I go to is a very spiritual church and the presence of the Holy Spirit is very very strong. Well anyway, this time during praise and worship was a little different- it felt as if someone was holding up my arms. I had never felt that happen before during praise time and haven't again. (Darla)
7/29/12: During the process of writing "Diary of a Demonologist", I was attacked by demonic forces often during the
middle of the night (or morning, however you look at it). Most of the time the attacks happened at 3 a.m. (the devil loves to use that time- most theologians believe it’s an attack on the trinity). Anyway, I would be awakened about that
time at least 2-3 times a week feeling a panic that I could not explain. I do not have panic attacks nor am I a nervous person. I also do not scare easily at all. The last time (thank God) that I was attacked like that, it was the worst. I was awakened about 3 a.m. with my heart beating out of my chest. I never had my heart beat like that, and I don’t want it to again. It was beating extremely fast, like it was going to run right out of my chest. I did not know what to think, but I did know that I did not want to wake my family. I then got up and walked around, and went downstairs. I walked around some more, still with my heart beating crazily and then I started getting a little scared. I remember thinking, “Lord, I am not ready to die yet. I have a lot of work to do.” Then, I called out to the Lord. Deep down, I really wasn’t expecting anything to happen, (you know, sometimes you just get doubtful) but I called out, “Jesus, I need you!” Right away, a white glow came into the room right in front of me and I immediately was overcome with a feeling of warmth and peace. My heart slowed to normal then as well, and I was able to go back to sleep. To this day, I have hardly had any attacks take place against me, thank the Good Lord!! (Darla)
7/29/12: I had a very close family member who died unexpectedly. His wife was very distraught, but with her being a Christian as well as him, she was at peace with where he was at. Anyway, the night after he died, she was laying in her bed trying to go to sleep. She happened to look towards the ceiling as she saw a bright light. She saw an aura of two angels and her husband. At that time, she then heard bluegrass music playing in the room- there was no radio on- she thinks it was his favorite, Bill Monroe. If she ever had any doubt before, she knew for sure then that he was at home with the Lord and he had come back to let her know that he was being taken care of and happy.
7/29/12: I had a family member die during the holidays. Anyway, my mom was in the basement sitting on the couch the next day. No one had called her about the death yet, but we knew this family member had been sick for a while. Anyway, while she was on the couch, she saw an angel appear before her. At that moment, she knew that this family member had went to be with the Lord. Later that day, we received a call telling us that our loved one had died very early that morning.
7/29/12: I had a close relative who was dying and we weren't sure if they were saved or not. A number of family members and a close friend were at the hospital while he was dying. Anyway, after he died we went home and my mom talked to another close family member telling them that he died. In fact, they said, "Did it happen at this time?" (They named the time- it was close to 11:30 a.m. but can't remember the exact time.) This family member knew exactly what time it happened before we even called, because as they were sitting in their chair watching tv, half of their Christmas tree turned black at the same time this family member died. There was no reason to doubt that this actually took place either, because this family member never entertained any stories about ghosts, etc.
7/29/12- When I was about 11 or 12 years old, I came across an old set of rosary beads laying on the ground in the graveyard that I used to hang out at. I took them home, thinking it was something cool to have. My mom warned me and told me I should take those rosary beads back to the graveyard where I found them, as they could be cursed. Sure enough, it wasn't long until stuff started happening around the house- strange noises, footsteps, pots and pans falling over when no one was around, etc. Needless to say, I took the beads back to the graveyard.
7/20/12: I had just finished doing my workout tonight and went back upstairs to get a drink and then a shower (I work out in my basement). Anyway, when I went to walk in my kitchen, I smelled the overpowering fragrance of candles that have just been blown out. No one else in the house had lit any candles or any matches. I have not burned any candles in about two or three weeks. I have never smelled that in our house before when nothing had been burned. (Darla)
6/30/12: I have a paranormal story that started when I was a child. I used to sleep in my parents room because I was scared of my bedroom. My mother had told me the old man who lived in the house before died in my room. So I would not sleep in it until I was a teenager. At night when I was lying in my parents bed alone I saw a shadow figure come from my bedroom and move down the hall to my sisters room and every night it would enter her room. As children on a dare we spent a couple of hours alone in my bedroom that I was scared of. In the time we were in there my we were pinched, heard voices, and my sister cried hysterically because she thought she saw a hand reach up onto the bed. I saw this shadow figure for years but it stopped when I was 16 and my sister moved out. She's confirmed that she still sees this shadow figure in every house she's moved to.
6/29/12: Get Out of my Room- When I was twenty one years old, my new husband's family offered to sell us a house that had been in his family for generations at an incredibly cheap price. They had a difficult time keeping it rented and did not want to hassle with it anymore. We jumped at the opportunity and moved in almost immediately. It was only a matter of hours before strange things began to happen. It did not take me long to decide there was something or someone else other than us in that house. Almost every night we would hear something coming up the staircase. The steps were old so you could hear every creak. Nick, my husband would jump up out of bed whenever he heard it to go make sure that someone hadn't broken in. It would always end the same, no one was there. The ghost appeared to get braver as time went on. We could hear the steps eventually come down the hall; they were getting a little closer to our bedroom door with each visit. Finally, the night came that we had both been dreading. Nick was sound asleep, exhausted from working hours of overtime. I heard the steps dare to pass the doorway of our bedroom and enter our room. I felt slightly aware of something or someone approach the side of the bed I had my back turned to, but I was afraid to look. I just kept my face in Nick's chest and closed my eyes tightly. I felt as though there was someone right behind me, right behind my head just staring at me. I knew one thing for sure; I was not going to turn around to check. I just wanted to fall back to sleep as soon as possible. My hand searched under the covers for Nick's hand. I very softly and quietly moved my hand beneath his big palm. I did not want to disturb him; I just knew it would make me feel better if his hand was lying on top of mine. My back felt ice cold; I tried to bring the covers up tighter around my neck and back. That\'s when I felt it. Something moved briefly on the bed behind me. I did not acknowledge it. I forced myself to stay still as if I were still asleep. I felt that if I suddenly reacted, I would see something horrible, so I did not turn around, I did not move. That seemed to upset whatever was behind me. I felt the bed move again, but just ever so slightly. I felt that whatever was behind me was so close to me it was almost touching my hair. I had the feeling on my scalp similar to when you have static electricity in your hair. I was sure it must almost be standing on end. I rubbed Nick's palm with the back of my hand. I think I was actually trying to wake him, but trying to do it quietly, so whatever was behind me would not notice. It didn’t work. Nick just grunted a moment and then took another deep breath, he was still sound asleep. I felt another movement on the bed directly behind me again. I actually could feel the blanket I had wrapped so tightly around me tug on me a bit as if someone had laid some weight on it behind me, I was sure that something was trying to get even closer to me. Suddenly I felt air blow on my cheek. It was just the same as if someone had breathed on me, except it was a lot colder, ice cold. I tried rubbing Nick's hand again only I did it more aggressively this time. He moaned a little and turned to face me laying his arm across my side. That made me feel a little better, if there was someone or something directly behind me he would have struck them with his hand when he put his arm around me. I no sooner had the thought when Nick's arm went flying off of me and back towards him. It was as if someone had picked up his arm and flung it off of me. At that same exact moment, I felt a very strong tug on my hair, and heard a whisper in my ear. "Get out of my room," the words struck me like a knife in my stomach. It was a very raspy mean voice. I woke Nick instantly, but once again there was no one there. Many things happened in that house. We only lived there for thirty six days, thirty six days of pure mental hell. That was when I started to believe in ghosts and spirit hauntings. It forever changed how I view things. I wrote a book about the whole experience, The Lennox Haunting... It is on Amazon. It has the Look Inside, if you are interested in reading the first three chapters. It is also on the Nook at Barnes and Noble… Jules V Ness
4/20/12- I have a story: The first house we bought was built in 1953. It was a small cottage that an old lady had lived in for many years. At the time we bought the house I did not know the story or I would have never have bought it.
All the patients at the doctors office I worked at could not believe I bought that house. They would not tell me why. There was a fenced in back yard with a piece of the top of the fence missing. just a bit larger than a hand. Our air and heat went up and I had a man to come fix it. He asked if I heard the story behind the house. I was a little worried since I had not told anyone that late at night when I was in the kitchen, I could look in my living room and see an old lady standing in a gown looking out the living room window. It scared me and I was too afraid to tell anyone. The air conditioning man used to work for the sheriff's dept. He said that there was a guy breaking into houses for prescription drugs. He had broke into the house and a couple others. Someone knew who he was and turned him in. He thought it was the lady in our house. When
he got out on bail, he broke into the house, chopped her up into pieces with an ax and ran out the back door over the fence. They caught him. He died in prison. That's why a piece of the fence was missing. they took it for evidence. Come to
find out, it was someone else who turned him in. I didn't see the lady after that. Maybe she realized what happened to her and she left.
4/18/12- I will start off with one of my own paranormal experiences, which happened when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I was lying in bed one night at the apartment I used to live in (which by the way that area has a good deal of paranormal activity going on to this day). I had one arm raised over my head and was just lying there trying to go to sleep. I had a sleeveless shirt on, probably a tank top. Well, anyway, something pinched underneath my arm and I heard a low growl (we did not have a dog or any pets). It then sounded like the low growly voice said "Friday" (well that's what it sounded like to a 4 or 5 year old kid anyway!), and it made two noises, like a "Shh Shh". Needless to say, I didn't sleep any more that night! I never did hear that low growly voice again. (Darla)