I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by. I have been out of the loop for quite some time and for that, I do apologize. Do I have some stories (and a picture) for you!! I will try to have all that for you by the end of the week so please stay tuned. I will also be adding more to my blog entry, which the title is "Are We Living in the End Times?"
I have been getting asked again and again when I am going to continue Liz's story. For now, I consider her story to be over. You never know, though...
I've also been asked when the next book is coming out, which my answer to that is "I don't know." I have decided to take a break from writing, as I not only lose interest in something once it becomes a trend or a fad (now everyone in the world is writing and publishing a book), but I am starting to work on answering God's call to what He really wants me to do which is participate in the deliverance ministry. For those of you who aren't sure what that is, it is in short an exorcism without all the red tape of the Catholic Church. There's a lot more to it and let me just say that it is not "Ghost Hunting" or anything like that. There are more folks out there affected by this than we know. Just take a look at the insanity that is throughout this country today and even through the entire world. Anyway, the devil of course knows when someone is doing or preparing to do the Lord's work because he tries to get in the way. If you remember, he's attacked me numerous times, and this time he's told me "it's on." See my shocking story under my "Paranormal Stories" page. More to come!
From now on, I will have the latest sneaks of Rotten right on this page. As of today, however, I have not added any more to this story. Previous sneaks, as always, will be on my "Excerpts" page under "More". I decided to revert back to my old way of doing it since it's much easier for everyone to access it right here!
The latest sneak of Rotten: http://www.wattpad.com/28818187-rotten-the-latest-sneak-peek-in-no-particular?d=ud
More updates to come shortly. You may remember me talking about the various projects I am working on at the same time.
Thought of the day: We have never needed God's grace more than now.
For "DoaD's" hardback/special edition e-book- After much thought, I have decided to release that later on in the future. I will let you know when I decide. I will say that I think I have decided not to publish any more short story collections. Forgive me if I may sound a little arrogant and cranky today, but I cannot believe the feedback I have personally received about the confusion over this book. It was clearly marketed as a collection of three entirely separate short stories. I decided to connect them, however slight, by one common character, but they are separate stories. Does anyone else feel that reading comprehension is a skill sorely lacking these days? It's not only for books- this is common in the workplace too and is getting worse. (Sigh...)
The paperback of Possession should be available sometime in the future due to the printer changing some things about the print quality (of the paper and cover I am assuming), which is a good thing. I will be inspecting a physical copy of it myself before release. More to come. As of today, it is on hold.
Don't forget you can get an Authorgraph of both of my books as well: http://www.authorgraph.com/authors/DarlaBroadwater - just make a request and I will be happy to inscribe whatever you'd like.

Seeing and hearing things that aren't there. Horrible thoughts invading your mind, inviting you to hurt yourself, or worse yet, kill the ones you love.
Robert Daniels is experiencing all of this and more. Little by little, he fears that he is losing his mind. As time goes on, however, he starts to realize that what is happening to him is much, much worse.
His only chance lies with a God that he never believed existed, and a team that has a few shadowy secrets of their own. That, and the hope they can bring him out of the deep, dark abyss that is trying to claim him before it's too late.
Ever wonder what goes through someone's mind when they are possessed? You'll know now.
Possession. Released 11/11/12.
For "DoaD", the highest rank that I've achieved so far on Amazon US is #10,057 on July 14.
AND, 15,651 in the UK on 6/23- #63 within Religious Fiction and #99 within Spiritual Literature and Fiction!!
For Possession: as of 11/12: 2,146! For the UK, as of 2/15/13 it was 2,398.
I encourage reviews, good or bad (I can take it- hey, even a bad review at least someone is thinking of me ;), either of the entire book or the preview. I understand that this subject matter is not everyone's cup of tea and that's OK! I promise you not all of my books will include demons or even Christian themes, but they will get you thinking in a different way, and maybe even cause you to look over your shoulder a time or two.
Feel free to drop me a line any time. Also, make sure you visit my updated promotions and sweeps page as well as all my other pages here!
This is my official site that I try to update as often as possible, but you can also catch me on my Amazon author page, Twitter, Facebook, Google and blog(s). In short, I am all over the web!!
I update whenever I can, but am almost always at least on this page. You will always find the latest info here first.
Robert Daniels is experiencing all of this and more. Little by little, he fears that he is losing his mind. As time goes on, however, he starts to realize that what is happening to him is much, much worse.
His only chance lies with a God that he never believed existed, and a team that has a few shadowy secrets of their own. That, and the hope they can bring him out of the deep, dark abyss that is trying to claim him before it's too late.
Ever wonder what goes through someone's mind when they are possessed? You'll know now.
Possession. Released 11/11/12.
For "DoaD", the highest rank that I've achieved so far on Amazon US is #10,057 on July 14.
AND, 15,651 in the UK on 6/23- #63 within Religious Fiction and #99 within Spiritual Literature and Fiction!!
For Possession: as of 11/12: 2,146! For the UK, as of 2/15/13 it was 2,398.
I encourage reviews, good or bad (I can take it- hey, even a bad review at least someone is thinking of me ;), either of the entire book or the preview. I understand that this subject matter is not everyone's cup of tea and that's OK! I promise you not all of my books will include demons or even Christian themes, but they will get you thinking in a different way, and maybe even cause you to look over your shoulder a time or two.
Feel free to drop me a line any time. Also, make sure you visit my updated promotions and sweeps page as well as all my other pages here!
This is my official site that I try to update as often as possible, but you can also catch me on my Amazon author page, Twitter, Facebook, Google and blog(s). In short, I am all over the web!!
I update whenever I can, but am almost always at least on this page. You will always find the latest info here first.